My gosh, a lot of folks seem fairly upset over the passage of the Senate health incurance bill. Apparently, these malcontents don't understand that this is being done for their own good. While it would be nice if everybody happened to be as smart as Democratics, that's obviously not the case. So Democratics really had no choice; it's a sad commentary on the intelligence of the average American worker. Oddly, that spin isn't playing well even in liberal places. And it certainly isn't playing in Peoria:
As senators prepare this morning to vote on the package before them, they will do so knowing that it contains a provision for the federal government to pay 100 percent of Nebraska's expanded Medicaid tab forever, thanks to Sen. Ben Nelson's backroom dealing. It's being called the "Cornhusker Kickback."
Although BO may be off to Hawaii now, confident and happy, this isn't a done deal. It has great potential for ugliness, after the Christmas recess.