Anthropogenic Global Warming is all over the news, today, or so it seems.
First, the good news: according to government-funded taxpayer-funded "researchers" at University of Maryland, global warming is on track to destroy much of the U.S. federal government during the next century. Although many might consider this a significant improvement, the tax-funded researchers view it as a tragedy, and call for additional tax funds to be directed toward hiring and maintaining researchers. As well:
To stop this tragedy from occurring, they recommend that the government get involved. “Decisions must be made in the near future by lawmakers or city planners on how to reduce the impact of and adapt to sea level rise,” they say. “Cost-effective methods to deal with sea level rise should be developed, and long-term solutions that extend well into this millennium are necessary.”
Getting government more involved is always a winning strategy, which brings us to the next item (reported, amusingly enough, by Al Sunshine):
MIAMI (CBSMiami) — Every time you turn on the lights, you may be putting yourself at risk, according to a disturbing new study.
While this has been reported infrequently over the past couple of years, the release of a "disturbing new study" has grabbed the attention of even CBS. Although many have warned that the mercury in these government-mandated, energy-efficient bulbs can turn your home into a hazmat site, now comes the revelation that their uv leakage can kill you, too.
It's also been mentioned, here and elsewhere, that the heavily-subsidized wind farms not only last less than half as long as advertised, but are very effective at killing wildlife. An article appearing in the U.K.'s The Spectator today examines some of the environmental costs associated with these "green, renewable energy" generating systems - which are, of course, being pushed upon us by government as a means of "fighting man-made global warming".
Every year in Spain alone — according to research by the conservation group SEO/Birdlife — between 6 and 18 million birds and bats are killed by wind farms. They kill roughly twice as many bats as birds.
The article comes complete with citations. It's brief, but well worth the read.
And an exhaustive research paper, appearing in Earth System Dynamics, observes (again, as noted previously here and elsewhere) that so-called anthropogenic greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide exert no statistically significant effect upon planetary climate:
We have shown that anthropogenic forcings do not polynomially cointegrate with global temperature and solar irradiance. Therefore, data for 1880–2007 do not support the anthropogenic interpretation of global warming during this period.
The findings are discussed at length at Watts' site, and includes a link to the full .pdf text of the paper. This revelation should surely draw our esteemed local science writer out of the woodwork to scoff at the findings - though it's entirely possible that he's moved on to demonstrate his expertise in more important realms, such as gun control, of late. One can but wait and see.