Spotted Owl (Photo credit: USFWS Pacific)
A coalition of folks, including private landowners, Counties, and forest resource specialists ended up filing a lawsuit to overturn the latest Northern Spotted Owl critical habitat designation. The case was filed in federal District Court in Washington, D.C., against the Secretary of Interior and the Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
These agencies, like EPA, spend way too much time thinking about lawsuits from the professional alarmists; it's a given that they're going to sue to stop this, prevent that, or "save" the tree over in the corner. It's what they do.
Given that it's now recognized that saving trees doesn't exactly equate to saving the spotted owl (the most significant factors being competition from barred birdies and wildfire damage), it makes no sense to nearly double the "protected" acreage to 9.27 million acres; thereby increasing the fuel loads for wildfires. At least, it doesn't make sense to anyone with an IQ above room temperature.
Of course, to the professional alarmists, it's insufficient; all trees should be off-limits. They don't care about jobs, or raising families, or any of that stuff. It's why they oppose hydropower, and go giddy if a dam's taken out. It's why they oppose natural gas, coal, and nuclear power plants. It's not because they think that we can all live with just solar and wind-power; they know that'll never work.
They simply view human life as a curse upon the planet; themselves exempted, naturally, if people are a pox that's best eradicated, they're certainly not going to volunteer to step up and prove their hypothesis. No, everybody else should be made to suffer and, ideally, die while they, like His Rotund Holiness, AlGore, live in luxury with half a dozen mansions and a private jet.
"Carbon footprint?" Geeze...that's for the little people; the faster to be rid of them.