The rewriting of history continued as Obama "marched" across the bridge:
There’s a reluctance to recognize the aggressive support of Republicans like Sen. Everett McKinley Dirksen, the leader of the Republican minority of that distant day, and without whose support there would have been no Civil Rights Act of 1964. Indeed, in large measure those early civil rights acts were the work of Republicans, enacted over the fierce resistance of Democrats.
Leftists always dispute that fact with arguments such as this:
First the Republican party during the civil war were progressives and the Democratic party were racist slave owners. This has changed over time actually flip flopped and your party should be used to that.
The only thing that "has changed over time" is that Democratics eventually found that their demonization of blacks was nonviable and so they turned to demonizing Republicans instead. Over time, they managed to convince many blacks that it was actually the "RepubliKKKans" who were behind the lynchings of the Klan, as well as the Jim Crow laws, when in fact those events were initiated by Democratics. The mistake that Republicans made was in underestimating the mendacity of the Democratics, and ignoring their rhetoric.