The Italian malware purveyor has had repeated contact with Portland and Eugene police departments during the past several months, generally via private email accounts that are in some cases routed through multiple servers prior to landing in the inbox. These are not as difficult to trace as some people may believe; I was able to quickly establish a fingerprint for one PPD contact, for example; the print A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA can be fairly easily resolved to a specific non-city email account.
One of the products generating the most interest is their RCS software (Remote Control System), which affords encrypted retransmission of data on targeted devices, which of course allows stealth surveillance activities to be conducted.
Given that the latest trends across all levels of government appear to involve giving lip service to "transparency" while taking steps to actively evade public records laws and holding private discussions regarding tools for covert surveillance, we appear to be entering an era in which government is not by the consent of the people, but despite the people.