The Charlottesville terrorist, it appears, has a history of violence, his wheelchair-bound mother having called 911 on multiple occasions following his repeated assaults.
And you know things are pretty screwy when the Germans are denouncing the "repulsive, naked racism" on display last weekend in Virginia. They are, however, aware of no connection between the American neo-nazi idiots and their own German flavor.
As Dr. Carol Swain observed as far back as 2002, there is a difference between white nationalism and white supremacists. As she notes - and she's black, herself - the former are simply sick and tired of being browbeaten and guilt-tripped with stuff like "white privilege"; the latter are solid racists who actually believe that whites are inherently superior to all other people.
Dr. Swain underscored that white nationalism is different from the racist white supremacy movement, even though the left-wing media and liberals purposely conflate the two. “I distinguish it from white supremacy because the people who were involved [in the white nationalism movement] were more intellectual,” said Swain, a graduate of Yale Law School. “They were not espousing racial violence or using epithets, but they had grievances. They felt that white people’s rights were being trampled on and no one was speaking up or listening to their grievances.”
Swain said the white nationalism movement took off — long before Trump took office — because whites were being marginalized and disenfranchised after decades of affirmative action and other government programs designed to benefit minorities.
Today's white nationalists, in short, took the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to heart when he spoke of his dream of a day when people would be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Yet in the ensuing decades, everything seems to be about skin color. Universities regularly reject highly qualified white applicants in favor of less qualified minority students because they want to maintain certain ratios in their portfolio. At Washington state's Evergreen College just recently, all hell broke loose after "minority students" demanded a "white-free day" - a day on which no white people would be allowed on campus. Surprisingly, a lot of white folks didn't go along.
Naturally, some riots occurred. The college shut down completely for several days.
The rise of white nationalism came about as a direct result of this sort of idiocy. The wns aren't racist, and they're not white supremacists. But increasingly, they are demanding. And what they're demanding is equal treatment, an end to the continual denigration, and a modicum of respect.