House Democrats apparently believe all of their hard work chasing impeachment, collusion and obstruction claims against President Donald Trump deserve a reward. Tone-deaf Congressional Democrats are now proposing a pay raise for themselves, lifting a nearly decade-long pay freeze that would effectively give them an extra $4,500 next year, according to The Hill.
Rank-and-file members of Congress earn $174,000 annually, while members of leadership earn more. The Speaker makes the highest salary at $223,500 while the majority and minority leaders earn $193,400.
Sen. Ben Sasse: "These jokers couldn’t hold down a summer job at Dairy Queen pulling this kinda crap.”
All in all, the idea doesn't seem to be going over very well. Might go better if they did some actual work - like finding ways to reduce health care costs, repair/rebuild infrastructure, things like that. Instead, they spend their time running around like headless chickens. And having lived on a farm in my younger years, I've seen my share of headless chickens.