Rep. Frederica Wilson has no love for social media’s meme-makers and pranksters — she literally wants them prosecuted.
The Florida Democrat weighed in on free speech issues this week and told an audience that it should be illegal to mock lawmakers. “Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace,” she said while speaking in Homestead. “We’re gonna shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down, and they should be prosecuted. You cannot intimidate members of Congress, frighten members of Congress. It is against the law, and it’s a shame in this United States of America.”
As always, she has a big mouth for someone who's demonstrated her idiocy time and again. And apparently, she has a very thin skin to boot. Now she wants to deprive people of their Constitutional rights. I don't think that's going to fly; on what charges would they be prosecuted? But then, she's not into such trivialities.
Evidently, she has no clue as to how politicians were skewered in the media back in the 1800s. Nor does she seem to recognize that with her trademark "cowgirl" hat, she mocks herself.