The director of King County’s coordinating agency for homelessness is on paid leave following a dancer’s strip show at the agency’s annual conference on Monday.
Kira Zylstra was paid about $123,000 a year, according to a King County (Seattle, WA) PR flack.
A six-figure income, plus benefits - for "leading" a government agency on "homelessness". And she still gets it all to stay at home. Yep, that's Government At Work, all right..."working" you over as a taxpayer. Yet some folks continue to claim that the "homeless crisis" isn't another government scam.
It's unlikely that anyone at Salvation Army or other private organizations that try to work to get the addicts and the mental cases off the streets receive anything close to the compensation packages given to government staff, much less continue to feed from the trough while "on leave". It's yet another example of why government workers should be confined to actual public services, like repairing potholes.
They never seem to have enough money to do anything productive.