Onions Ain't Easy

A new rail shipping center is expected to be constructed and will function via a partnership between onion shippers, Malheur County, Americold, and Union Pacific Railroad. However, some officials were under the impression that dirt would be moving by now, and the delay has onion suppliers wondering if they will be able to ship the next harvest from the new location.

They're a big crop in Oregon, but shipping them out has long been problematic.  The planned rail center there should speed the logistics up - but only if they can get the darned thing built and running smoothly. That's always been a problem for farmers in the arid lands around Malheur County, and one that isn't going away soon enough for the cash-strapped area. We'll just have to see how the project ultimately pans out for them; the area's got a lot of history behind it. Pretty part of the state, but nothing's ever come easy out there.

Malheur's a very large county; its name, however, is French for "bad water".


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